第三十六章 番外三 正正好(1 / 2)


  郑正拿他没办法,两个人往中国城走,市中心庆祝的活动还在继续,街头巷尾都很热闹,人们成群结对地游乐,享受着节日的氛围,这两天无风无雨,英国人自是不会错过这种好天气,草地上长出许多人来。郑正看着这一张张欢笑的面孔,想到英版《同志亦凡人》的故事背景就设置在曼彻斯特,但是因为他先接触的是美版,对后者更偏爱些,主角Brain出柜时说过这么一番话:“Queers. Because I’m queer. I’m gay. I’m homosexual. I’m a poof, I’m a poofter, I’m a ponce. I’m a bumboy, baddieboy, backside artist, bugger. I’m bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I’m a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant, I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I’m Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I am fucked. I suck and I am sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man’s had the fucking time of his life. And I am not a pervert.” (自行翻译吧,翻了就放不出来了。)


第三十六章 番外三 正正好

  转眼三年的时间过去了,李不言硕士毕业了,郑正特意和教授告假去参加他的毕业典礼。德国老头听说爱徒朋友毕业,一改平日严肃画风,笑眯眯地眯起眼睛八卦:“Friend? I say must be someone special. Girlfriend?”

  郑正羞涩地笑了笑,“My boyfriend.”教授蓝色的眼睛里闪过一瞬意外,随即笑容更深了,“He is a lucky one.”small talk结束,话题回到数据上。
